With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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The Internet-portal "The National Calendar of Events" presents major cultural, historical, musical and sporting events in the regions of Russia that are attractive for Russian and foreign tourists. All information is provided at the portal in Russian and English language.
The large-scale project was created as part of the Federal Target Programme "The Development of domestic and incoming tourism in Russian Federation". The project combines the theme Internet portal, printed advertising and information reference guide, an electronic version of the guide for Windows platform, applications for mobile devices. The project was started in 2013 and succeeded to attract the attention of republican, regional and municipal bodies on culture, tourism, sports and youth policy as the effective tool for promotion of domestic and incoming tourism as well as the platform to introduce tourism opportunities of the regions to travelers by means of bright events and celebrations.
Everyone who is looking for an inspiring reason to make a trip may find at the landing page of the site what cultural events take place in various parts of Russia at the moment and in the nearest future, read news related to the cultural life of the regions. At the same time one may use the search option to look for events, it is provided based on the principle “What? Where? When?”.
One may look for a festival or an event to visit by one or several criteria: keyword, name, type of event, date in the calendar. One may also select a region of Russian Federation from the list of regions or on an interactive map. It is possible to scroll the entire list of events – some 500 ones in the year 2014.
The project is improving and developing. Now a screen display adapts to a variety of devices – computer, tablet, smartphone. In the year 2014 the amount of events featured at the portal and in its electronic version has tripled (there were 160 in 2013). The structure of the portal sections has been improved. The important new feature is the ability for users to create "My Personal Cabinet" section.
After a simple registration, guests can create a list of selected events, add comments, photos and videos, share information with friends through social networks. The organizers may add their own event to the list of events by posting information about place and time of the activity alongside with a brief description and photos.
"The National Calendar of Events in Russia" is developed with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation. The project is implemented by the publishing house "TourBusiness".