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Events / Fairs

The III Honey Festival

30 august, 2014, Pskov

One of the ancient names of Pskov region is "The Land of flowing honey". The bee-keeping in the region has a thousand year long history. Pskov region is one of the greenest and most ecologically clean regions of Russia.

The most of apiaries are located in remote locations, away from the busy roads. The honey is collected by bees only from wild plants that allows to produce honey and bee products of high purity, very beneficial and tasty ones.

"The sweetest holiday of the year" is held to support the brand "Pskov honey." The event is a large annual fair of bee products produced in Pskov region. The event is timed to the end of honey harvesting.

In 2013 the festival was attended by some 60 apiaries. Apart for presentation of fresh honey and various products of bee-keeping, at the festival people’s honey tasting and choosing of "the most delicious honey" takes place, show apiary and consultancy of api-therapists and beauticians operate, restaurants offer special "honey menu".

At the stage and playgrounds active entertainment programme is held, all games and contests are related to the theme of the celebration.

The organizers arrange people’s tea party with a giant honey cake.

The festival is held in the historic center of Pskov, the city celebrates this year its 1111 anniversary. 

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13:54:21 0 C (0 F)
Region: Pskov region
City: Pskov
Venue: The children park
Phone: (8112) 29 97 88