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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The Wildlife Festival "The Golden Turtle"

28 june - 20 july, 2014, Moscow

"The Golden Turtle" is the largest cultural and ecological-educational event in Russia.

The contest and now the festival of wildlife "The Golden Turtle" is the only official event held in the country within the decade of biodiversity preservation declared by the United Nations.

"The Golden Turtle" is organized for the eighth time, each year it attracts interests to the wildlife of growing number of people of all ages. In dozens of cities of Russia the festival presents the best nature-themed photographs, movies and TV shows on wild places of the country and the planet, telling about various initiatives on environment protection and public movements.

During the festival the activities are organized aimed at the promotion of ecological culture, patriotism and the development of creative abilities.

Seminars and mastrer calsses are held with discussions of specifics of wildlife photography, discussions on the rules and ethics of interaction with nature and specially protected areas.

At the festival various projects of public organizations and the global environmental funds are presented.

The special attention is paid to the work with youth and children of different ages, for them the programme in interactive exhibition format is prepared.

By themes, width of coverage, spectators’ participation and significance for society, the wildlife festival "Golden Turtle" has no equals.

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0:09:29 0 C (0 F)
Region: Moscow
City: Moscow
Venue: The Central House of Artists