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Events / The folk celebrations

The Open City Festival of Folklore Creativity "The Tales of Kanda Beauty"

6 september, 2014, Kandalaksha

The festival is one of the most prominent cultural events in the life of Kandalaksha and Murmansk region.

Creative teams and masters of decorative and applied arts and crafts from all over the region are invited to participate in the festival. Within the framework of the event open city competitions will take place: the literary contest "The Tales of Kanda Beauty" (fairy tales, stories, tales, dreams, fantasies, fables, figments, fiction), the competition of the gentle sex "The Image of Kanda Beauty" (photo against the backdrop of nature or Pomor lifestyle in a folk costume) and the contest of designers and artists to create the logo of the festival.

The aims and objectives of the festival include:

- Popularization of folk heritage of Pomors

- Preservation of continuity and development of Pomor folk traditions

- Stimulation of interest to study traditional folk culture

- Impulse to creative activity, adding of new songs, dances and games of northern folklore to repertoires

- Expansion of creative links between amateur groups and folk masters of decorative and applied arts and crafts of Russian North and the twin cities

During the holiday shopping arcade will operate with floral and honey production and more. The festival guests will be able to take part in games and master classes. 

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0:48:28 0 C (0 F)
Region: Murmansk region
City: Kandalaksha