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Events / Historical reconstructions

Gatchina Historical Festival "The Day of John the Baptist. The Knights of the Priory"

5 - 6 july, 2014, Gatchina

The reconstruction of the real historical events associated with the city of Gatchina and the history of Maltese Order in Russia is held annually in Gatchina on the eve of the Nativity of John the Baptist.

As part of the festival, musicians give performances playing medieval music, members of historical clubs demonstrate knights’ battles by swords and spears, the tournament in archery takes place. On the hills around the site of the festival a medieval camp is set.

The history of Maltese Order in Russia is inextricably linked to Gatchina, where the most important events in the life of the Order took place and where the greatest Christian shrines were kept.

The tradition to kindle fires according to the Chapter of the Order of the Hospitallers on the eve of Midsummer day goes deep into the past. For the first time in Russia it was performed in the summer of 1799 by the Emperor Pavel I – the Grand Master of Maltese Order. The Emperor  has personally developed the ceremony of that main celebration of the Order of Saint John.

The historical reconstruction of kindling bonfires in honour of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist according to the ceremonial of the Emperor Pavel I is held at the territory of the Priory castle, "the valley between two hills" adjacent to it and on the shores of Black lake. 

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15:16:15 C ( F)
Region: Leningrad region
City: Gatchina
Venue: The Priory park, the Priory Palace
Phone: (81371) 378 30, (81371) 966 24