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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The Festival "In Ryazan mushrooms have eyes"

20 september, 2015, Ryazan region

Since old times the forests of Ryazan are famous for an abundance of mushrooms. In September, in the place of Ryazan region most rich with mushrooms the festival in the format of eco-celebration - "In Ryazan mushrooms have eyes" - takes place.

The main aims of the festival comprise the preservation of tradition to love and respectfully trreat nature, to nourish culture of family outdoor recreation, to extend people knowledge about the ecosystem. The fair featuring diversity of mushrooms will take place, too.

The guests of the celebration become participants of "Mushroom marathon" - command and single competition in picking mushrooms.

Professional pickers – guides will share the secrets of their skills and introduce the wonderful world of mushroom forests of Ryazan region to the event guests.

Mushroom pharmacy will reveal the medical secrets of mushrooms. The hospitable villagers will present the fair of culinary products.

In "Recipes’ shop" the festival participants will get acquainted with new ways to cook mushrooms and put down their own special recipes in mushroom book.

At exhibition-fair one may buy souvenirs, magnets, charms, books, booklets, calendars and much more.

The festival guests will be able to participate in master classes on making charms and gifts, vine-weaving, basket weaving, wood and birch bark carving and burning.

At the festival one may learn how to choose the right basket for mushrooms, not to get lost in a forest, to set up a tent. "Ten tips for beginners" will be provided, too.

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13:01:42 C ( F)
Region: Ryazan region
Venue: The village of Laskovo in Ryazan region
Phone: (4912) 28-91-22