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Events / The folk celebrations

Maslennitsa at Kokshaga

22 february, 2015, Yoshkar-Ola

"Maslennitsa at Kokshaga" (pancakes and winter farewell festivity) is, perhaps, today the only alternative to the usual scenic national holidays in Yoshkar-Ola.

The folklore team "Tsarev gorod" has taken the the following principle for the basis: "The national holiday shall be created by people themselves. Not by directors and choreographers, DJs and artists, but by ordinary people".

That is why "Maslennitsa at Kokshaga" is a celebration of active citizens who are bored just to stay near the stage and listen to folk songs played by soundtrack. At Maslennitsa festival grown-ups drop all their seriousness and on par with children, even more excitedly, are involved in folk games. Looking at their happy faces one may see: the best remedy for everyday office stress cure is found!

At real people’s celebration everyone will find something interesting for himself. Many sites operate for boys, juniors and men: traditional funs, throwing of weights, and, of course, assault at snowy fortress – the most spectacular “fun” to ignite emotions.

Among other things, one may take part in skating from icy slides by poles and sledges, horseback riding, fair of rural products (berries, honey, jam, etc.) and a fair-sale of handicrafts produced by local craftsmen.

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0:42:43 0 C (0 F)
Region: Mari El Republic
City: Yoshkar-Ola
Venue: The bank of the river Malaya Kokshaga, near "Dinamo" stadium
Phone: (8362) 42-36-32