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Events / Arts festivals

The All-Russia Festival-Contest of Military and Patriotic Song "The Crimean Wave"

24 - 28 september, 2014, Alushta

The first All-Russia festival of military and patriotic song "The Crimean wave" is dedicated to the 160-th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

The festival is held as part of the exhibition "Soyuzkurort. Crimea – All-Russia health resort" and is designed to promote the theme of military song and music that reflects the valiant history of Russian weaponry and Russian soldiers.

The festival-contest will be held in the following nominations:

- A song for children and young people

- Bard song

- Marching song

- Lyric song

- A song in modern style (rock, rap, jazz, folk, city chanson, etc.)

Within the framework of the festival concert performances of the leading army creative groups – the Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Black Sea Fleet and Concert Ensemble of the Cultural Center of Russia Armed Forces are planned. 

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1:21:32 0 C (0 F)
Region: The Republic of Crimea
City: Alushta
Venue: The Palace of culture of Alushta sanatorium under the management of Administrative Department of the President of Russian Federation, the Central embankment of the city of Alushta
Phone: (495) 681 36 95