With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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Volgograd region is the place of the turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War that has affected the outcome of the whole war – the Battle of Stalingrad.
For Russia the Battle of Stalingrad means the greatest victory, the example of courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers. Volgograd is the hero city and the center of patriotic education of Russian people.
The celebration activities to mark the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War take place both in Volgograd and throughout Volgograd region. The key places of celebrations are: the monument-ensemble "To the Heroes of Stalingrad Battle" on Mamaev Kurgan with its main monument "The Motherland Calls!"; the Museum-panorama "Stalingrad battle" and the artistic panorama "The defeat of fascist German troops by Stalingrad" located in it; the central embankment named after the 62-nd Army with the Alley of Heroes and the square of the Fallen Fighters.
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