With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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The business programme of the forum features discussion of the state policy in the sphere of water and river tourism development in Russia, the conditions and prospects of river cruise tourism development in Russian Far East.
The examples of successful investment projects and issues of formation of inter-regional and cross-border river cruise tours are going to be considered. Presentations, discussions and experience exchanges will take place, too.
The third day of the Forum will be held in the city of Heihe (PRC). The itinerary of the outgoing session features the meeting with the heads of the Office of Tourism of Heihe People’s Government concerning the issues of the development of cross-border river cruise routes. The meeting and exchange of views is planned on the issues in question with representatives of travel industry of Russia and China.
The forum participants will have the opportunity to take part in the opening ceremony of the V festival "Russian-Chinese Fair of Culture and Arts" that will be held on July 27 at Russian side (the city of Blagoveshchensk) and on 28 July at Chinese side (the city of Heihe).
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