With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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"The Celebration of an Ax" may be rightly called one of the brands of Tomsk and the main event of the year in terms of the revival of Siberian wooden architecture traditions.
All skilled carpenters of the area as well as guests from other carpentry centers from regions of Russia, CIS and foreign countries get together at the festival.
For the guests of the event a cultural programme is developed that combines performances by folk groups from Tomsk and Tomsk region, the exhibition and sale of products by masters of applied arts, concerts of bard songs, showing of travellling exhibition of painters, performances by poets from Tomsk writers' organization, contests and games for children and grown-ups, excursion programmes.
Not by chance the village of Zorkaltsevo has become the venue of the international celebration – the historical, ethnographic and architectural complex located by the river of Poros in 20 kilometers from the city of Tomsk. At the place there is the atmosphere of the real Siberian village where national colour and distinctive architecture is preserved.
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