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Events / Literary holidays

The All-Russia Nekrasov Poetry Celebration

5 - 6 july, 2014, Yaroslavl region

The estate place of Karabikha, built by the Princes Golitsyn in the XVIII century, is the only one in Yaroslavl region and one of the few in Russia that has kept its original appearance.

The estate is located 15 kilometers south of Yaroslavl.

In 1946 in Karabikha the State literary and memorial museum-reserve of N.A. Nekrasov was created.

Every summer a large-scale literary festival dedicated to N.A. Nekrasov who has put down his best poems at the estate is held at the place.

Each year, writers, poets, musicians, connoisseurs and followers of literature and everybody who cherish the multinational culture of this country come together to talk once again about Nekrasov and his creative activity.

In fact, the event represents a large literary and musical open air living room. At the territory of the estate and its park poetical citations, exhibitions, meetings of poets with readers, performances by music groups, interactive activities take place.

In 2013 the 46-th All-Russia Nekrasov poetry celebration was held themed "The keys to women happiness", the theme of the 47-th edition of the celebration is "There is something that Russia may be proud of ...".

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15:15:44 C ( F)
Region: Yaroslavl region
Venue: Yaroslavl municipal area, the village of Karabikha
Phone: (4852) 43 43 16