With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia is annually celebrated on July 8 in the village of Laskovo in Ryazan region.
In 2014 the celebration will be held for the fifth anniversary year.
The village of Laskovo is the birthplace of St. Fevronia, the wife of Murom Prince Peter. It is believed that exactly at the place the events from the legend and lives of saints Peter and Fevronia took place.
Righteous princes - spouses, saints, the brightest personalities of Holy Russia who have embodied the country spiritual values and ideals. They are worshiped as protectors of family and marriage.
On the day of the memory, July 8, here at the historic location, surrounded by white-trunk birches, newly-wed couples may register their marriage in the holy land in accordance with native Russian traditions and customs.
At that day, families with many children and families that celebrate their silver, pearl and gold anniversaries of marriage are praised.
The guests will experience the atmosphere of traditional Russian Orthodox holiday. Festive prayer in rural chapel and holy water awaits everybody.
From hospitable villagers one will see treats: mint kvas with pies and traditional bread-loaf.
At the main site of the celebration the breathtaking theatrical performance – the hagiography of Saints Peter and Fevronia will be presented and afterwards people’s festivities will take place with ring dances, songs and rhymes.
The symbol of the celebration is chamomile while Fevronia image is embodied by nut-tree near which she, according to the legend, was praying.
Local craftsmen will present various crafts. They include basket weaving, weaving with beads and laces, wood and birch-bark carving and burning, dry and wet felting, carpet weaving, making items of straw. Those products can be purchased at the fair. Masters will share their secrets of creating unique family charm and souvenirs of chamomile. For children playgrounds are arranged, interactive programmes are prepared.
At the day, family comes first and one shall spend the day at the village of Laskovo!
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