With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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The festival "Amur waves" is one of the brightest and most significant events in the cultural life of the capital of the Far East.
During two years of its existence, the festival has attracted attention from far beyond the Far Eastern Federal District.
On November 2013 in Moscow at All-Russia award "Edges of Mass Theatre" ceremony, the country professional award for creative achievements in the field of mass forms of theatrical art, the International festival of military bands "Amur waves" was awarded with the highest prize in the nomination "The best city day".
This year, some 600 military musicians, including leading military music groups from the Republic of Kazakhstan, Japan and Mongolia will become the participants of the event.
The solemn opening of the International military and music festival "Amur waves" will be held at the most beautiful square of the city, near the walls of the Cathedral of Transfiguration.
Gala concert will be held on June 1 in sports-entertainment complex "Platinum Arena".
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