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Events / The folk celebrations

The V International Festival of Folk Crafts "Vyatka bast shoe"

12 - 13 july, 2014, Kirov region

For many centuries Vyatka region was famous by its masters of folk arts and crafts.

For instance, the unique craft of the producing painted clay Dymkovo toys is known for more than 400 years.

Nowadays at Vyatka land more than ten kinds of folk handicrafts are revived and successfully developed.

In the XIX century Vyatka was providing most of the peasants in Russia with bast shoes. Hence the nickname for the people of Vyatka - "Vyatka bast shoes" has arisen.

The craft was revived by craftsmen from the village of Kilmez.

"Vyatka bast shoe” presents a full range of skills of the people of Russia at the same site.

During the festival, master classes are organized on processing birch bark, vines, clay, straw, bast and working at the loom.

The programme also includes merry sports competitions, cooking contest, beauty contest with the demonstration of models of clothes produced from linen and clothes made in folk style, fair.

In 2014, 220 masters from 12 regions of Russia are expected to participate in the festival.

More than 7 thousand visitors will come to marvel at their work and take part in master classes, at the same time the population of the village is some 5 thousand people.

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0:17:05 0 C (0 F)
Region: Kirov region
Venue: Kilmez district, the village of Kilmez
Phone: (8332) 64 96 32, (83338) 2 12 51