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Events / Arts festivals

The International Scientific Conference "Tchaikovsky and the XXI Century: Dialogues in Time and Space"

12 - 14 november, 2014, Moscow

In accordance with the plan of activities to prepare and celebrate the 175-th anniversary of the birth of P.I. Tchaikovsky, the All-Russian museum union of musical culture (VMOMK) named after M.I. Glinka organizes the international scientific conference "Tchaikovsky and the XXI century: Dialogues in Time and Space".

Among the themes of conference issues there are the following ones: the modern issues of P.I. Tchaikovsky creative heritage study, the porblems of the publication of the composer legacy at the present stage, performance and theoretical interpretations, issues of stage embodiment of the musical pieces created by Tchaikovsky, etc.

The conference proceedings are planned for publication in 2015.

Leading experts, scientists-researchers, teachers and students of artistic higher education institutions, representatives of museums archives and documentation centers, representatives of publishing houses and media are invited to participate in the conference.

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0:41:05 0 C (0 F)
Region: Moscow
City: Moscow
Venue: The Central museum of musical culture, the Museum "P.I. Tchaikovsky and Moscow", The State memorial musical museum-reserve of P.I. Tchaikovsky (the town of Klin)
Phone: (495) 960-21-90, доб. 115