With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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"Dirty Games" are held since 2009. Given the fact that each year the organizers choose the route in new district of the region, the participants of the trophy-raid and the fans have a great opportunity not only to enjoy the competition, but also to relax surrounded by like-minded people and Siberian nature.
Participants and guests of the event include business owners, managers of successful enterprises and middle-level managers of large companies - people who have professionally realized themselves and show great respect to family values and high quality of leisure.
For relatives and friends of participants of sports disciplines mass cultural programe is organized.
Friendly atmosphere implies family outdoors vacation and peaceful socializing among old friends and new acquaintances.
The traditional evening entertainments of "Dirty Games" have long become a legend among trophy-raids’ followers.
The event may serve as a platform for teambuilding or informal meetings with clients, colleagues and business partners.
In 2012, "Dirty Games" have received the status of the largest tourist-sports festival in Siberia.
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