With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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The festival takes place since 2001. "The Bards’ bonfires" today is significant event not only for the bard movement behind the Urals. All Ural region participates in the festival: once a year authors and performers from Kurgan, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous territory and Kazakhstan come to the event.
"The Bards’ bonfires" is held in two rounds: in the first round – the jury listens to the authors and performers of songs, creative laboratories operate; in the second round – musicians and song writers give performances. For many authors and performers the festival provides the opportunity to find their audience – at the days of the festival to the bank of the river Utyak up to 2500 followers of bard creativity as well as nature lovers are coming.
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