With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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The movies presented at "Flahertiana" reflect the actual picture of documentary films shot during the year in the way of aesthetics discovered by American director Robert Flaherty.
The first festival took place in 1995, until 2006 the event was held once every two years rather as theoretical symposium than the competition.
In 2006, the festival finally has got the status of the annual international documentary film festival with an international jury, the jury of FIPRESCI.
In addition to the international competition, "Russian" Flahertiana" is held, too, where the best movies matching the “Flahertian” aesthetics and produced in Russia are presented. The winner is determined by the results of the audience voting.
The winners will be determined in the following categories:
- The Grand Prix for the best film of the festival
- The prize for the discovery of new themes and characters
- The prize for original artistic concept
- The prize of FIPRESCI
- The prize of audience jury for the best film of "Russian" Flahertiana".
This year, the festival will be opened by the film directed by Italian Gianfranco Rosi "The Holy Roman ring road".
In addition to the films of the competition programme one may see documentary films under special programmes: the films of jury members, the films for children, retrospective screening. As part of "Flahertiana" a wide range of seminars, round tables and master classes is planned.
The main sponsor of the festival is the Government of Perm region.
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