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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The Festival of Bell Chime "Kamensk-Uralsky – the Bell Capital"

10 - 12 july, 2014, Kamensk-Uralsky

The Festival of bell chime "Kamensk-Uralsky – the Bell Capital" takes place in Kamensk since 2005.

The feastival founder is Nikolay Pyatkov whose bell factory "Pyatkov and Co" creates bells for churches all around the world.

The festival is officially included in the programme of "Tsar days". The main event of the festival is bell concert at the chapel of Holy Right-believing Prince Alexander Nevsky that is located at the main square of the city.

The festival programme features traditional and individual chimes, stories about the holy places of the region in question, historical references on each city participating in the festival.

Annually the festival brings together the best bell ringers from all over Russia and thousands of spectators – citizens of Kamensk and its guests.

Bell-ringers, one after another, climb to the bell tower and perform the bell chime of their church engaging 16 bells.

For several hours everyday chimes, Easter “red” (beautiful) chimes, holiday sounds with festive flavour of Far East, Western Siberia and area near Moscow enshroud the city.

The audience, not hiding its emotions, enthusiastically chear each bell-ringer with applause.

In 2014 the festival will be held for the 10-th anniversary time.

The main themes of the festival are the anniversary of All-Russia Holy man Sergey of Radonezh and the 100-th anniversary of the First World War.

The list of the festival participants will be international. One of the novelties of the 10-th festival will be the historical reconstruction "Kamensk fair festivities" at the Cathedral Square in Old Kamensk.

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3:45:10 0 C (0 F)
Region: Sverdlovsk region
City: Kamensk-Uralsky
Phone: (3439) 379 393