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Events / The folk celebrations

Tatar National Celebration "Sabantuy"

8 june, 2014, Republic of Tatarstan

The spectacular and original celebration is held annually in all municipal areas and city districts of the Republic of Tatarstan, in a number of regions of Russian Federation and in foreign countries, too.

Sabantuy is the national celebration of Tatar, Bashkir and Chuvash people. Its name is translated from Turk languages as “ wedding (celebration) of the plough" – “saban” means “plough” and “tuy” means “celebration, wedding”.

The symbols of Sabantuy are “maidan” (round-shaped place) and folk games – climbing the pole, sack races, tug-of-war, weightlifting, running with buckets full of water on a beam, fighting on a log by bags stuffed with straw.

As at any folklore celebration part of events is of semi-comic nature. The highlight of the day is the national wrestling – "kuresh", when two wrestlers grasp each other's belt and try to knock an opponent down to the ground.

The batyr of Sabantuy – the strongest wrestler – is awarded with live sheep. As a token of special honour and respect batyr is presented by embroidered towel.

Horse races and the game "yaulyk alu" – when a horse rider has to, not slowing down the pace, on a go, catch a scarf hanging on a tree and embroidered by Tatar girls for Sabantuy specially – are always favoured by spectators.

Sabantuy usually takes place in three stages. On the first Saturday of June, by the end of spring planting, the celebration is held in villages and settlements of the Republic, in a week’s time – in big cities of Tatarstan and yet a week later – in the capital of the Republic.

Recently hosting of Sabantuy celebration has spread throughout Russia, the event is held even in Moscow and St. Petersburg, though the celebration in Kazan is, of course, the most important one.

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4:19:44 C ( F)
Region: Republic of Tatarstan
Venue: The municipal bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan
Phone: (843) 264 74 01