With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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The movies presented at "Flahertiana" reflect the actual picture of documentary films shot during the year in the way of aesthetics discovered by American director Robert Flaherty. The first festival took place in 1995, until 2006 the event...
Ежегодно в последнее воскресенье сентября, в городах и селах Республики Ингушетия проводится традиционный Республиканский фольклорно-этнографический...
«Голоса Золотой степи» - это исключительная возможность увидеть, и, что еще важнее – услышать лучшие творческие этноколлективы России...
The festival takes place since 2001. "The Bards’ bonfires" today is significant event not only for the bard movement behind the Urals. All Ural region participates in the festival: once a year authors and performers from Kurgan, Tyumen,...
Традиционно на территории Амурской области проходит Открытый российский фестиваль кино и театра «Амурская осень». Успешно стартовав...
"Ergav" celebration is a comprehensive multilateral and significant phenomenon in the history of folk art, it accumulates the ancient culture of the people of the North and modern forms of its existence in multicultural Chukotka Autonomous District....
On the first day of the festival, at the territory of the natural park “Kumysnaya Polyana” the base camp with elements styling it as the camp of medieval Russian military campaign will be set. Master classes for starting participants...