The events posted by means of the said application are considered by the expert group. The group is guided by the following main criteria when deciding on an event inclusion into the calendar: the tourist attraction of the event (inter alia, international / Russian / regional level of the event), its unique nature, the scale of the event (the number of participants and visitors), the event importance for the socio-economic development of the region and its influence on the formation of the image of the region, the stable nature of the event regularity. Other issues are taken into consideration, too: whether it’s easy to find more information on the event in Internet – at its own website or on the website of the organizers, whether it is mentioned in online media, presented in social networks.
"The national calendar of events" provides main references for potential visitors or participants – the type of event, its format, a brief description of what the event is dedicated to this year, its history, the basic idea, the frequency, the scale. Illustrations are given and, when possible, in order to facilitate the search, the logo of the event and contact details (the websites and phone numbers) of organizers or local tourist information centers (TIC) and the bodies responsible for culture and tourism development in the region are provided. Exactly at their Internet sites one may get more detailed, and, most importantly, the latest information on the event after initially getting interested in particular event at the site календарьсобытий.рф.
The events were offered by the regions of Russian Federation themselves: national, territorial and regional ministries of tourism, departments of culture, committees on physical culture, sports and tourism, tourist departments, city departments on culture, youth policy and sports. The number of events was presented at II All-Russia open fair of youth and event tourism Russian Open Event Expo that has taken place in Moscow alongside with MITF-2013 fair. Its organizers include: the Department of tourism and regional policy of the Ministry of culture of Russian Federation, Moscow Committee on city tourism and hotel economy, the executive management of the fair The centre of social, cultural and educational initiatives "Intellect plus", Moscow directorate of festival and concert projects of bard songs "Stolny Grad".
The information is provided by the regional authorities responsible for tourism and culture. If the date of the event or its venue is changed, the event organizer may advise new details to the site moderator in order to update the featured information.
The representative of the company that is responsible for organizing an event may pass registration on the site, fill in the form on the event and attach photo and video materials. The site moderator will verify the information and then it will be available on the web-site. One may also send information concerning an event in any free style form to the moderator e-mail.
Send all You know about the event to the site moderator. After checking and processing the received information it will be made available to all who are looking for interesting reason to travel at the site. We are sure that there will be many people who would like to visit Your city!
Each sent photo or video shall be accompanied by an indication of authorship with contact information. Materials shall be sentto the moderator. After checking and required processing materials will be posted on the site.