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Events / Exhibitions and forums

The International Museum Festival "Intermuseum"

3 - 9 june, 2014, Moscow

The International Festival "Intermuseum 2014" is one of the key events that take place during the ongoing Year of Culture in Russia. This year the theme is "Museum in the digital age" – "Museum in the information space".

"Intermuseum-2014" is situated at the unique site of Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh" that allows to accommodate not only the festival part of the project (more than 200 museums-participants, extensive business and cultural programme), but also an exhibition of authentic works of art – purchases by the Ministry of culture for museum collections of the country during last year.

Such exposition will be organized at the festival for the first time. As well as many other things – including free participation for all museums, regardless of their affiliation and status (state, municipal, private).

The festival is aimed not only at professional museum community. For Muscovites and guests of the capital exhibtion zone, children play area and Museum shop that has brought together souvenirs and publications of all particpants of "Intermuseum 2014" is provided.

Alreday for 15 years the festival of museums is the major event and "hallmark" of Russian museum community. The festival enables museums to present their own achievements and draw attention of professionals from cultural and business communities from around the world to their activity.

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13:41:03 0 C (0 F)
Region: Moscow
City: Moscow
Venue: The Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"
Phone: (495) 788 30 90, (499) 267 81 08