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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The IV Event Tourist Festival “Russian leaven”

17 - 18 may, 2014, Yelets

”Russian leaven” is the festival of crafts and folk daring. Without leaven in Russia there is no bread, no kvas, no beer. Without special state of the soul, as people say - "leaven", it is impossible to imagine a Russian man.

The historical and cultural celebration "Russian leaven" is based on the traditions of national household life: bread, kvas, beer and everything that can be made sour.

The wide Russian soul "spreads itself" at concert venues in the city, in competitions and at Bogatyr (warrior) settlement.

Since ancient times, the border with the Wild Field was protected by Russian bogatyrs. They are not extinct in this land nowadays. They wait for You in "Bogatyr settlement" – both ancient and modern ones.

At "Guttler rows" one is treated to kalatch (fancy loaf), pies, kulebyaka (closed pie with meat, fish or cabbage filling), pancakes, kvas, beer and all that that can be seen on the table in Russian hospitable house.

Guests are invited to traktirs (restaurants), diners, fast food places.

The second day of "Russian leaven" is the festivity of brewers. Beer is brewed in Elets since the middle of the XIX century. Brewers were attracted by exceptionaly clean and tasty water of Elets. Since that time "Elets Bavaria" exists. Modern Elets brewers prepare not only beer: you will be treated to kvas, sbiten (hot Russian drink of water, honey and spices), honey and other traditional drinks.

Elets is the city of masters, they weave amazing laces, cut wood, forge iron in it. Boot making is alive in the city, Elets embroidery is famous, too. At "The City of Masters" master classes of folk craftsmen are held, souvenirs from all over Russia are sold.

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4:18:56 0 C (0 F)
Region: Lipetsk region
City: Yelets
Venue: Lipetsk region, the city of Elets, Mira str., Lenin sq., the park named after Prishvin
Phone: 8-47467-2-30-65