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Events / The folk celebrations

Republican celebration "Chyl Pazy"

21 march, 2015, Abakan

The republican celebration "Chyl Pazy" (New Year by Khakass calendar) is one of the main celebrations of khakass people that symbolizes the end of winter and the beginning of new year.

The culmination of the celebration falls on the day of vernal equinox.

The main aim of the festival is revival, preservation and promotion of folk customs, traditions, national kinds of sports.

During celebration activities traditional khakass rites are held: the binding of chalama ribbons, feeding big fire, presenting horse as the gift to heavenly spirits.

At the celebration one can taste khakass food and drinks, take part in national games and contests. Traditionally at New Year khakass people come to the ritual stone – the saber-like menhir, endued, according to a legend, by magical power.

The festival programme includes exhibitions, contests of national costume and for the best decoration of national yurt (tent from skins), sports competitions and much more.

In 2013, the number of visitors of the event was some 6000 people.

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5:20:19 0 C (0 F)
Region: Republic of Khakassia
City: Abakan
Organizer: Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Khakassia
Phone: (3902) 35 73 61