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Events / Arts festivals

The XII International Festival of Film Debuts Spirit of Fire

28 february - 6 march, 2014, Khanty-Mansy autonomous region

TheSpirit of Fire will be one of the events opening The Year of Culture in Ugra.

The festival is held since 2003 with the support of the Government of Khanty-Mansy Autonomous Region – Yugra and the Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation.

Filmmakers – debutants take part in the competition, the best of them will participate in master classes by leading Russian filmmakers. The main theme of the film festival in 2014 is "Oil".

The aim of the festival is to support national film production and film distribution, draw large social scope of film-goers to cinemas of new generation, facilitation of the territory of Autonomous Region to enter into Russian and global movie spheres.

Tourists may discover the history of the autonomous region, visit the national settlements and nomadic camps with tasting of national cuisine and familiarization with traditional culture and life of Khanty and Mansy people. They may also spend time at ski resorts, go hunting and fishing at tourist recreation centers.

The total number of organized tourists and sightseers amounted in 2013 to almost 15 thousand people.

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7:42:13 C ( F)
Region: Khanty-Mansy autonomous region
Venue: Khanty-Mansy Autonomous Region
Organizer: The Department of Culture of Autonomous Region, LLC "Ugra film distribution"
Phone: (3467) 32 15 57, (3467) 32 14 21