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Events / The folk celebrations

The Festival Cold Pole

23 march, 2014, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic

Cold Pole is the unique place on Earth, it is located in the place of Oymyakon in Yakutia.

The average monthly temperature in January is -61°C, and in the coldest days it is -68°C.

There are no more places like that in the world where at such low temperatures people constantly live and work.

Academician Obruchev has visited the place with his expedition in 1926. During his meteorological observations he has marked the lowest temperature for this area -71.2°C.

Exactly there, starting from the year 2001, the International Tourism Festival “Cold Pole” takes place.

In the village of Tomtor of Oimyakon district during the festival solemn performances take place as well as exhibition and fair of national clothes, the festivity of reindeer breeders, races of reindeer sledges, throwing of maut, jumping over reinder sledge, sports competitions, ice fishing for fishing enthusiasts, at the same time at improvised evenk nomad camp the guests may get acquainted with the unique culture of the evenk people and taste their national dishes. Among the regular guests of the festival there is Santa Claus from Lapland and Father Frost from Veliky Ustyug. In Oymyakon they meet with Chyskhan - Yakut Lord of Coldness.

The festival Cold Pole embodies the unique nature of yakut and evenk culture, clarity and primodial character of wild northern nature.

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5:42:27 C ( F)
Region: Sakha (Yakutia) Republic
Venue: The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon districts
Organizer: The Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Phone: (4112) 34 09 27