With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Events / Literary holidays
The All-Russia Esenin Celebration of Poetry "In the Country of Birch Calico!"
3 october, 2015, Ryazan region
The All-Russia Esenin Celebration of Poetry is held as part of the marking 119-th anniversary of the poet birth in the State museum-reserve of S.A. Esenin in Konstantinovo.
The event is the highlight of the creative project "Esenin days in Konstantinovo".
Tourists should visit the homeland of S.A. Esenin in order to plunge in the works of the great Russian poet alongside with the followers of Esenin poetry, see fascinating endless lands, enjoy the splendour of Russian nature and discover the true Russia.
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Region: Ryazan region
Venue: Rybnov area, the village of Konstantinovo, the State museum-reserve of S.A. Esenin
Phone: (49137) 3 32 60
Website: www.museum-esenin.ru