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Events / Fairs

Tikhvin Fair

5 july, 2014, Ivanovo region

Inthe village of Kholui in the XVIII century, and especially in the XIX century, five fairs were regularly held.

The most noisy one and the largest in the province of Vladimir Tikhvin fair was, it lasted for a month and was timed to coincide with the holiday of the icon of Tikhvin Mother of God.

At fairs in Kholui such phenomenon as “ofenstvo” has bloomed when sellers-peddlers, walking delivery men also referred to as “ofenys” were getting various goods (fabrics, icons, fancy goods, lubok painting, etc.) at Kholui fair and went to trade them all across Russia and even beyond.

In 2003, the successful attempt was made to revive Tikhvin fair in Kholui, its organizers see it as the way to support folk arts and crafts and as a good excuse to give back the former fair entertainment culture to modern people.

The visitors of the fair have the opportyunity to buy products of masters from Kholui, Palekh, Mstera, Shuya, Puchezh, Yuzh, Ivanovo and other central artistic crafts, indulge into the atmosphere of vivid fair life.

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7:50:20 C ( F)
Region: Ivanovo region
Venue: Yuzh area, the village of Kholui
Phone: (49347) 2 27 78