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Events / Literary holidays

The International Literary and Folklore Festival "Sholokhov Spring"

23 - 24 may, 2014, Rostov region

The festival is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the birth of Don writer, Nobel Prize winner – M.A. Sholokhov.

The first "Sholokhov Spring" was held on 24 May 1985, on the 80-th anniversary of M.A. Sholokhov. Since 1987, the celebration has turned into All-Russia one, in 1990 it has gained international status.

Each year to "Sholokhov Spring" all those come who are passionate about the works of the great writer and interested in the life, culture and household customs of Don Cossacks, who loves true folk art. Famous writers, actors, and public figures are among the guests of the event.

The guests of the celebration are not only spectators but participants of concerts, performances, competitions of singers and dancers, sports events.

The festival itinerary includes interactive programmes, contests, exhibition and sale of items produced by masters of decorative and applied art, people festivity, literary and folklore evening performance and a gala concert at the embankment of the river Don.

During the festival life at its venues more than 60 thousand participants of amateur and professional creative teams have performed. The event was visited by some 2.5 million guests from all over the world.

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4:15:59 0 C (0 F)
Region: Rostov region
Venue: Sholokhov district, the village of Veshenskaya
Phone: (863) 240 42 42, (863) 532 13 05