With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Events / Historical reconstructions
The International Military and Historical Festival "The Day of Borodino"
6 - 7 september, 2014, Moscow region
"The Day of Borodino" is held since 1962. Mlitary and historical clubs and associations from 80 cities of Russia as well as from Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltic States and Europe take part in the festival.
The culmination of the event is the reconstruction of the episodes of the battle by Borodino at platz-theater. The show is completed by the parade of military and historical clubs.
"The Day of Borodino" is on a par with such events as "The Battle of Three Emperors" by Austerlitz (Czech Republic), "The Battle of the Nations" by Leipzig (Germany), "The Battle of Waterloo" (Belgium).
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Region: Moscow region
Venue: Mozhaysk municipal area, the village of Borodino
Phone: (496 38) 5 15 46
Website: www.borodino.ru