With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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The festival is dedicated to the 636-th anniversary of the victory of Russian army in the battle against Tatar-Mongol troops by the river Vozha.
It was the first battle in the history that was won by Russians over Tatar-Mongol Horde, the battle has become the "dress rehearsal" of the battle at Kulikovo field.
The main aim of the festival is help guests to feel the spirit of ancient Russia, the spirit of this country history, its ancestors who gave life to the present generations, defended and saved the independence of our country.
Tourists will see the medieval battle. For historical-patriotic and ethnographic clubs the festival is the place where they may show their achievements made during the year.
The festival programme also features master classes on medieval crafts, "historical photo shop", fun games of strong men, folk games and other attractions.
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