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Events / Exhibitions and forums

The International Investment Forum and Exhibition of tourism infrastructure TOURISTICA

23 - 26 april, 2014, Mineralny Vody

The resorts of the Northern Caucasus, including Caucasian Mineral Waters, represent one of the priority areas for tourism development in Russia.

The unique potential of the nature of Northern Caucasus regions in conjunction with the development of modern tourist facilities makes the region an ideal platform for the introduction of new standards of tourist infrastructure.

Industry professionals from around the world at TOURISTICA forum will discuss global trends in the management of tourism facilities and supply of required services, goods and equipment for them at all stages: from attraction of investments, design and construction to ongoing support and search for personnel.

Within the framework of the International Investment Forum and Exhibition of tourism infrastructure TOURISTICA the IV-th Forum of Industrial Design – Global Industrial Design – will bring together professionals in the field of industrial design and architecture in order to draw attention to the role of design in creating competitive world-class tourism industry. Communication business platform Global Investment Lounge and activites of professional orientation project INDUSTRY 4U are on agenda, too.

The traditional resort forum Caucasian Health Resort will be held within the framework of TOURISTICA forum on April 23-25, 2014.

New multi-purpose exhibition center MinvodyEXPO that will host the forum is located by the federal highway "Kavkaz" in 2.5 km from the international airport of Mineralny Vody and 6 km from the city center.

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12:43:40 C ( F)
Region: Stavropol region
City: Mineralny Vody
Venue: MinvodyEXPO
Organizer: The group of companies "Formica"
Phone: (495) 981 50 00