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Events / Exhibitions and forums

The II All-Russia Forum "The Ballet XXI century"

5 - 11 october, 2014, Krasnoyarsk

From October 5 to 11 Krasnoyarsk will become the main place for Russian ballet.

In Krasnoyarsk State opera and ballet theatre the II All-Russia Forum “Ballet XXI century” will be held dedicated to the 85-th anniversary of the famous choreographer, the laureate of Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR Yuri Grigorovich.

The great event will take place with the support of the Ministry of culture of Russian Federation, the Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Ministry of culture of Krasnoyarsk Territory.

As part of the forum the audience will see two ballet first nights – "The Stone Flower" and "Elektra" performances.

In choreographic college round table discussion “The theatre of Yuri Grigorovich" – the phenomenon of the XX century and its impact” will be held, questions may be asked online by everyone.

At the same time in Krasnoyarsk cultural and historical museum complex and the foyer of the opera and ballet theater the exhibitions devoted to the great choreographer will operate, the film about Yu. Grigorovich will be shown in the House of Cinema, for young art lovers the contest of compositions on ballet is announced.

The II All-Russia show-contest of young ballet dancers and choreographers will become one of the central events of the forum

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9:51:55 0 C (0 F)
Region: Krasnoyarsk region
City: Krasnoyarsk
Venue: Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre
Phone: (391) 227 86 97