With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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ECOCUP means the best documentaries from around the world, specially selected for Russian audience and shown for the first time in Russian language.
The festival brings together filmmakers, "green" painters, designers, photographers, board of "green" dating, eco-fair, eco-breakfasts, discussions and much more.
The jubilee fifth festival offers to see what is really going on in the world: from Sicily to Guinea.
How to find rivers that flow under cities, what can be grown on rooftops in cities of America, what happens with Venice when tourists leave the city, how Sicilian fishermen survive.
This year programme is a vivid panorama of new documentaries, many of them have already gained success at international festivals.
The new programme of short films that are so liked by viewers worldwide will be presented.
This time animation, music movies and ironic talking on how to save the planet will be offered to the audience.
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