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Events / The folk celebrations

Multi-day festival The Main Maslenitsa of the Country

23 february - 2 march, 2014, Yaroslavl

Maslenitsa (Pancakes Holiday) has been the most favourite holiday in Russia from time immemorial. Yet, in Yaroslavl region Maslenitsa week lasted not seven but eight days. The beginning of the holiday was not Monday but the previous Sunday - "Meat Shrovetide" when fathers-in-law called their sons-in-law "to eat up the sheep." That is why, despite the difference in time, people in Yaroslavl start Maslenitsa even earlier than Russians leaving at Kamchatka. In other words - they do it first in the world!

Officially the main Maslenitsa of the country is held in Yaroslavl since 2005. In 2013 the celebration in Yaroslavl was dedicated to the 250-th anniversary of the very first public celebration of Maslenitsa in Russia. Held in Moscow at Maslenitsa week of 1763 the masquerade "Minerva the Triumphant" was conceived by Catherine II and staged by the citizen of Yaroslavl – the creator of the first Russian theater Fyodor Volkov.

From the year 2011 the official hostess of the celebration is people's artist of Russia Nadezhda Babkina. For the carnival parade commanded by the Empress of the main Maslenitsa over 1000 artists as well as guests from the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, countries of Europe, Asia and America arrive.

Traditional Maslenitsa contests include: National competition of chastooshka (two-line or four-line folk verse),open competition of maslenitsa dolls "Madam Maslenitsa", contest of photos taken during the main Maslenitsa in Yaroslavl.

In 2011 more than 150 000 people have attended the celebration, in 2012 - 270 000, in 2013 - already 307 000.

In 2013 in Yaroslavl the new tourist attraction "The Residence of the Empress of the Main Maslenitsa of the Country" has opened, "Snowy agreement" between All-Russian Father Frost  and the Empress of the Main Maslenitsa of the Country has been signed, too.

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2:41:16 C ( F)
Region: Yaroslavl region
City: Yaroslavl
Venue: The central part of the city of Yaroslavl
Organizer: The Government of Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl city hall, "Council of patrons of Yaroslaviya"
Phone: (4852) 40 51 60, (4852) 67 07 60