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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

"Scarlet Sails" – All-Russia Ball of School Graduates

20 - 21 june, 2014, Saint Petersburg

The tenth jubilee anniversary ball of school graduates "Scarlet Sails" revived in 2005 on the initiative of St. Petersburg Administration and Joint Stock Bank "Russia" will take place on the night of June 20 to 21, 2014.

The event is one of the most important and spectacular celebrations in St. Petersburg and the hallmark of the city.

By tradition, the appearance of the brig wiht scarlet sails on the river Neva will become the culmination of the event.

Last year, more than 1.5 million people have become participants and guests of the celebration.

It is believed, that in addition to graduates of St. Petersburg (this year - 22 000) the guests from Pskov, Novgorod, Leningrad Region and some other regions will take part in the event, too.

To the festival the first Russian graduates from Crimea and Sevastopol are invited.

TV and radio broadcasting company “Petersburg” is responsible for the preparation and carrying out of the celebration, it is going to effect live television broadcast of the event at federal TV channel "Petersburg - Channel 5" as well.

This year it is the 10-th anniverary of the “Scarlet sails” celebration revival, that is why special entertainment programme and surprises are prepared for the event guests.

Ivan Urgant and Olga Shelest will be anchor-persons of the celebration concert at Palace Square (starting at 21:00) that will feature popular among young people singers Sergey Lazarev, Slava, Paulina Gagarina, team "Discotheque Avaria", "B-2".

The stage design, decor, sound and visual effects, costumes, dance and acrobatics peroformances - all that will be created specially only for the anniversary show "Scarlet Sails" of 2014.

The celebration guests will see the spectacular 26-minute water and light-pyrotechnic show on the river Neva – it will start when the brig would appear, at 01:40.

Swedish sailing ship "Tre krunor" will take part in the event, too.

Its sailing to Neva water area is going to be accompanied traditionally by I. Dunaevsky overture, for the anniversary show an original music score is created, it will be performed by Variety and Symphonic Orchestra.

Metro at the day of "Scarlet Sails" will operate around the clock.

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3:27:11 0 C (0 F)
Region: Saint-Petersburg
City: Saint Petersburg
Venue: Palace Square, Neva water area
Organizer: The Committee for Press and Media Relations of St. Petersburg