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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The Festival "Romanov Sheep – the Golden Fleece of Russia"

18 july, 2015, Tutayev

The town of Romanov and its surroundings are the birthplace of the famous breed of sheep – Romanov one that was raised yet in the XVII century. It is the best breed in the world for sheepskin and fur coats. By its lightness, strength and beauty the sheepskin has no equal.

The festival is the true praising of Romanov sheep. The exhibition organizers present the best specimens of the breed in bright Panama hats, multicoloured boots, decorated by motley costume jewelry and silk ribbons. In time of the festival a fair unfolds in the town, flavoured with songs, dances, jokes, rhymes and small theatrical performances.

By tradition a festive concert, sheep exhibition, competition of shearers, contest "Miss sheep" and "The City of Masters" with the sale of folk handicrafts make part of the festival programme.

The colourful and original part of the festival is a theatrical performance "The festivity at Kustodiev boulevard" based on the historical facts and documents. Here, for an hour, episodes from the history of Romanov-Borisoglebsk (the pre-revolutionary name of the town of Tutayev) come to live: photographers and artists are working, traders are scurrying around, madams and young ladies are strolling with fans and umbrellas as if they have just sttepped out of the paintings by Kustodiev. One may hear gypsy songs and old romances.

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23:30:20 C ( F)
Region: Yaroslavl region
City: Tutayev
Venue: Lenin sq. (the left bank)
Organizer: The Administration of Tutayev municipal district
Phone: (48533) 2 21 12