With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Events / Literary holidays
The XXVI Balmont readings
13 - 14 june, 2014, Shuya
In the town of Shuya, Ivanovo region, Balmont readings are held annually.
Balmont meeting is the event for thinking and feeling of Russia. In the readings’ programme scientific and practical conference "The cosmoss of Balmont: worlds and people," an exhibition of paintings and graphics by E. Belyutin "Alternative Reality", round table "The poet homeland – the project of architectural concept of memorialization of Balmont places in Ivanovo region", literary and musical programme "Balmont bonfire", regional poetry festival-contest "The planet of Konstantin Balmont" and award ceremony of All-Russia literary prize named after K.D Balmont "Let us be like Sun" are planned.