With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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The village of Novosyolky in Rybnov area has for long been called the capital of raspberry kingdom and not by chance – at the place the large and surprisingly sweet berries grow. What’s very important – they are beautiful.
Every year in July the modest Ryazan village turns into a paradise for the sweet tooth. Here one may learn how many tasty goodies it is possible to cook from fragrant raspberries and how the biggest raspberry pie in Ryazan region tastes!
The friendly villagers offer traditional tea made by old recipes with pies and raspberry jam to everyone.
By tradition, raspberry celebration is not only tasty but merry, too. For guests berry clearing of entertainment, children playground "Dunno in raspberry city", master classes, raspberry fair operate.
For young people this year there is a surprise – the site "raspberry drive". The contest for the best "Raspberry dress” will be held as well.
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