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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The Gastronomic Festival "The Tsar Fish Soup"

7 - 9 august, 2015, Колпашево

"The Tsar Fish Soup" is the new project of Tomsk regional history museum, one of its branches situated in the village of Narym.

The event location was chosen not by chance.

The would-be Emperor of Russian state Nicholas II, during his world tour, has visited Narym. According to the legend, there he was treated to the excellent local fish soup. The festival organizers have restored an old recipe and promise to feed everyone with the royal dish. Yet, they refuse to name the ingredients that make up the famous soup.

The festival guests will have a chance to be treated to specialty fishing dish during time trial of delicious soup cooking. The dishes will be evaluated by restaurant holders from Moscow and Tomsk.

The festival programme also features a photo contest "Fishing is catching", tour around significant places of Narym and even a rock concert.

The village of Narym and adjacent area offer considerable natural, historical and cultural potential. There are 22 sites of cultural heritage and two sites of natural heritage, five of the buildings have the status of federal significance. Considering the uniqueness of Tomsk region heritage, in 1990, the village of Narym has been included in the List of historical populated places of Russian Federation.

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5:43:05 C ( F)
Region: Tomsk region
City: Колпашево
Venue: Parabel area, the village of Narym