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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The International Tourist Festival "Solovyov crossing"

18 - 20 july, 2014, Smolensk region

Solovyov crossing is the place of fierce fighting during the Great Patriotic War (1941 and 1943), where more than 100,000 soldiers from all over the Soviet Union were killed.

The defence of Solovyov crossing lasted for two months. For the first time in the history of the Great Patriotic War, Hitler commanders at the direction of main attack had to retreat to defensive operations.

The significance of Solovyov crossing during that difficult period of the war is hard to overestimate. The persistence and courage of its defenders made it possible not only to withdraw two armies – the 16-th and 20-th ones – from an encirclement, saving soldiers and officers, keeping military equipment and weapons, but also save thousands of civilian lives.

The guests and participants of the festival "Solovyov crossing" may fully feel the great drama of the first days of the war. Reenactors using ammunition and weapons of those days as well as by means of pyrotechnics recreate the real picture of the battles by Solovyov crossing during the Great Patriotic War.

All that will take place this time at the right bank of the river Dnieper will not leave spectators indifferent and apathetic.

Traditionally, during the festival the action "The Candle of Memory" is held. Accompanied by the sounds of classical music performed by Smolensk Chamber Orchestra hundreds of candles are lit. By the minute of silence all present will honour the memory of those who never returned from the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. Afterwards, dozens of lanterns will rush into the sky.

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Region: Smolensk region
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