With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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Some 200 re-enactors from 30 regions of Russia as well as more than 7000 guests from the regions of Volga Federal District will take part in the I All-Russia festival of historical reconstruction "The Great Bolgar".
The festival programme features: historical fair, operation of interactive sites, tournament of historical fencing, mass battles (buhurts) (including the night ones lit by torchlight), all-round competitions on foot, fire shows, concerts, contests for spectators and other pleasant surprises.
The modern Bolgar is a settlement of considerable size surrounded by a rampart and a moat by the length of more than five kilometers.
At the place there are architectural monuments of the XIII-XIV centuries: Jameh Mosque, Eastern and Northern mausoleums, Khan's tombplace, Small Minaret, Black chamber, White chamber, Khan Bath-house and numerous archaeological sites.
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