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Events / Arts festivals

XX National Russian Theatre Award and Festival "Golden Mask"

25 february - 18 april, 2015, Moscow

"Golden Mask" was established in 1993 by the Union of theatrical figures of Russia as the professional award for the best works of the season in all kinds of theater arts (drama, opera, ballet, modern dance, operetta/musical, puppet theater). Award winners are named at annual festival of nominated performances.

Award nominees of Golden Mask - 2014 are selected by panels of experts. Making a list of nominees, experts have seen 767 theatre performances live and on video in Moscow, St. Petersburg and cities of Russia.

The leading Moscow theaters - Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow Art Theatre named after A.P. Chekhov, The Theatre named after V. Mayakovsky, The Theater named after A.S. Pushkin, etc. will become the sites of the festival, where one can see the most outstanding performances of Russia theaters. The awards will take place on April 18 at Bolshoi Theater.

Anniversary season of Golden Mask includes evening show, dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of the National Theatre Award and Festival Golden Mask, media project "The best of all worlds. The history of Russian theater, told by itself", the programmes "Context. Contemporary foreign performances" and "Children Weekend”, photo theatrical installation in GUM, a series of events combined under the name "Golden Mask in City".

In January 2014 in the pogramme "First nights of Maryinsky Theater in Moscow" the ballets Holy Spring and Concerto DSCH as well as  the opera Don Quichotte will be presented.

In out-of-competition programme The Mask Plus Russian performances recommended by Golden Mask experts will participtae.

The programme "New play" will be held in conjunction with Theatre.doc and include Russian and foreign performances based on contemporary texts, as well as seminars, discussions and master classes.

The audience of the festival will comprise some 50 000 people.

Photo: Don Quichotte, A. Abdrazakov; © N. Razina

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17:25:01 C ( F)
Region: Moscow
City: Moscow
Organizer: Autonomous non-profit association "Festival Golden Mask"
Phone: (499) 951 01 51