With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Events / Sport events
International race of dog relay "By the land of Sampo" (the stage of World Cup)
23 - 25 january, 2015, Petrozavodsk
The participants of International race of dog relay for medium and short distancies "By the land of Sampo" will manage two stages by 40 km through snow-covered forests and across ice-covered forest lakes. The race promotes healthy lifestyle, makes popular riding kinds of sports, as well as draws attention to the revival of the unique culture of the people of Karelia, tourism and natural potential of Russian North.
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Region: Republic of Karelia
City: Petrozavodsk
Venue: Pryazhinsky district, the village of Pryazha
Phone: 8-921-226-63-41
Website: gonka-sampo.ru