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Events / Exhibitions and forums

The X International Exhibition "SevTec"

18 - 20 november, 2014, Murmansk

The main objective of the exhibition «SevTec» is to show technologies and solutions for industry and business in the Arctic zone of Russian Federation, presentation of large-scale projects implemented in the Arctic.

The exhibition makes it possible to learn about the latest Russian and international developments, technological solutions and tools to improve performance of the business operating under harsh climatic conditions.

Over the years of its organization «SevTec» exhibition has become the prestigious exposition site for 752 exhibitors, including the industry leading companies.

The exhibition is attended by representatives of the federal and regional authorities, Russian business leaders, investors as well as foreign delegates (from France, Canada, Japan, Norway, Finland and other countries). Each year, as part of the exhibition business itinerary is organizaed that features conferences on burning issues, round tables, seminars and panel discussions.

In the conference area of «SevTec'14» the conference of the associations of employers in Arctic zone of Russian Federation, seminars on safety, transport and communications under conditions of Far North will take place.

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22:11:34 C ( F)
Region: Murmansk region
City: Murmansk
Venue: Ice Palace
Phone: (8152) 55 11 33