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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The IV International Festival-Fair of Amber – Amberfest

19 july, 2014, Yantarny

The festival motto is "Amber is the major tourist wealth of Baltic region".

Amberfest has become the hallmark of event tourism in Kaliningrad region.

Amberfest-2014 will be held simultaneously with the celebration of the City Day in Yantarny.

The festival guests will learn a lot of new things about the history of amber, become familiar with amber crafts and have an opportunity to participate in an exciting team relay with prize fund.

In relay of hunting for amber some 200 teams from Russia, Lithuania and Poland take part.

The festival gathers active people of all ages who are interested in history and culture and looking for a cheerful holiday.

The festival is held at the widest beach of Kaliningrad region, in Russia amber west.

The festival features an open air fair with participation of amber carvers, wood carvers and masters of other applied crafts; exhibitions with expositions associated with amber from the region museums; performances by music groups, open-air disco and fireworks.

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14:36:19 C ( F)
Region: Kaliningrad region
City: Yantarny
Venue: The Municipal body "Yantarny city district" (the beach in the area of the mine "Anna")