With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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"Urtun toiy" is the only celebration that introduces guests and participants to the wedding traditions of Khakassian people, provides the opportunity to meet with a "root culture" and learn the family relics of Khakassian birth. The final race of "Big Siberian circle” competition has become the good tradition of "Urtun toiy".
The history of the celebration is as follows: according to the tradition, in the autumn, after harvest reaping, the feast dedicated to the harvest was thrown at cornfloor. Under the leadership of venerable elder person, the blessing to the earth was given, the rite was performed in the honour of the spirit - the owner of arable land – thanking him for the harvest. More often than not, Khakassian weddings, like with many other people, were organized during that time, the richest period for the harvest of the Mother-earth.
The celebration includes ceremonial and concert parts, exhibition and sale of items of decorative and applied arts, folk handicrafts as well as agricultural fair, tasting of traditional dishes of Khakassia, national sports and much more. Yet, the main event of the festival is the presentation of Khakassian people birth.
In 2013, more than 400 people have become the participants of the celebration while the total number of visitors has reached 5500 thousand people.
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