With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Events / Arts festivals
The festival of Orthodox Creativity "Chimeevo shrine"
21 - 22 july, 2015, Kurgan region
The IV open inter-regional festival of Orthodox creativity will be dedicated to the 700-th anniversary of the birthday of St. Sergius of Radonezh and held under the motto "We will be saved by love and unity".
The spiritual resurrection, search and support of gifted authors and performers – those are the main objectives of the festival timed to coincide with the celebration day of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Chimeevo.
Creative compettion features eight nominations: vocal art, choreography, artistic and applied art, photography, instrumental music, literature, theatrical arts and artistic words, Orthodox films, television and IT projects.
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Region: Kurgan region
Venue: Holy Kazan Chimeevo monastery, the village of Chimeevo in Belozersk area of Kurgan region
Phone: (3522) 42 18 18, (3522) 46 49 90
Website: www.kurgan.orthodoxy.ru